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Master of Public Health (MPH): Course Textbooks - Please Read!

Course Textbooks

Please note that the textbooks listed on the following pages are from the syllabi of the current semester. Always refer to a course syllabus for official required and recommended textbooks.

The majority of required and recommended textbooks are available electronically from the Library.

The Library also has multiple copies of all required (and many recommended) textbooks in print for checkout.

All courses

The AMA Manual of Style 11th edition is the required writing and citing manual for the ACHE MPH program.



Sahler OJZ, Carr JE, Frank JB, Nunes JV, eds. The Behavior Sciences and Health Care. 4th ed. Boston, MA: Hogrefe; 2018.

Journal Articles

Koehler D, Shah ZA, Hensley K, Williams FE. Lanthionine ketimine-5-ethyl ester provides neuroprotection in a zebrafish model of okadaic acid-induced Alzheimer's disease. Neurochem Int. 2018 May; 115:61-68.



Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination information for clinicians. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Updated November 22, 2016. Accessed September 10, 2019.