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Publishing: Intro


How do I publish?

Choosing where to submit your work for publication can be daunting, even for seasoned researchers. Submit your work for publication to reputable, peer reviewed academic journals or conferences to establish yourself as a leading researcher in your discipline. Considerations in the process include the journal's scope, any restrictions it imposes on manuscript types or topics, and various measures used to gauge the journal's impact.

How much does it cost?

If you publish Open Access (we highly recommend this, because your scholarship is accessible to the whole world), it costs you anywhere from zero to $10,000.  Your faculty sponsor can apply to receive funding to publish in an Open Access Journal. If you publish in a traditional journal, It will not cost you anything; however, the world has to subscribe and pay to read your article.

How long does it take? 

The average waiting time for authors across academic publishing is 90 days from submission, through peer review, to publication.

Choose from two model - open access and traditional.

Sign up for your scholarly ID - ORCiD.

Where can I publish?

Please check our Journal Finder Tools.

Beware of predatory and vanity publishers.

How do I manage my scholarly identity?

ORCiD provides a persistent identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher.  This means that it will be less likely that your name will be confused with another researcher with a similar name, ensuring that you get the credit you deserve for your work. Your ORCiD ID follows you when you move.  You can include your ORCiD identifier on your publications, grants and even your web page.  You can also link your ORCiD ID to other services such as LindIn and Researcher ID.