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Writing and Citing: EndNote (Faculty/Staff Only)

About EndNote

EndNote is a reference management (RM) tool that helps to manage references. Users have access to helpful features. Below are listed a few features available:

  • Access full-text research articles with one click. 
  • Read, review, annotate and search PDFs in your library. 
  • Create rules to automatically organize references as you write. 
  • Insert in-text citations from your library with the Cite While You Write feature in Microsoft® Word.

We have a limited number of EndNote licenses for ACHE faculty and staff. To request EndNote installation on your computer, please contact your librarians at

EndNote Click

Access full-text PDFs in EndNote with EndNote Clock browser plugin. 

EndNote Click works with multiple browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Edge. (For Opera, you'll need to add an extension called Chrome extensions for Opera first, then get EndNote Click for Chrome.)

It takes two minutes to get started with EndNote Click. 

  1. Create your EndNote Click account.
  2. Find your institution to access your library's subscriptions.

On-campus access

EndNote Click automatically detects your library subscriptions when you are on campus based on your IP address. You don't need to do anything.

Off-campus access

EndNote Click can connect to your library subscriptions when you are off-campus based on authentication software. You'll need to log in to your library the first time you use EndNote Click off-campus.

How to use EndNote 20 in 7 minutes - Windows

How to use EndNote 20 in 7 minutes - macOS

EndNote Support

Click here for common questions and the link to their support.

EndNote 20 (Windows) Direct Export from

View the videos below for information on exporting your citations from databases to EndNote. 

Exporting from Google Scholar

Google Scholar will need to be configured to send references to EndNote. You will be able to send references to EndNote by clicking the "Import into EndNote link.

Steps to configure Google Scholar to send references to EndNote:

Go to Google Scholar homepage

Click the three horizontal bars  or hamburger icon in the upper left-hand corner







Click the gear icon, "Settings".














Under the bibliography manager, select the option show links to import citations into and select EndNote in the dropdown box. 

Click the save button. 








Steps to Import search results into EndNote:

After completing a search on Google Scholar click on the "import into Endnote" link. 







If you are presented with a window asking if you want to open or save the file, select open the file. 

A select reference library window will appear. Use this window to select the EndNote library you want the reference imported into. 


Exporting from EBSCO (Discovery)

You can export references directly into EndNote from EBSCO. 

Click Add to folder to select records to export. 





Click folder at the top of the screen. 





Select items to export or select all. 













Click Export on the right. 








Select Direct Export to EndNote and Save. 










EndNote will open and prompt you to select your EndNote Library. Your references will be automatically downloaded into this library.