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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Anti-Racism Guide: Veterans

Updated by Sonya Lemke MLS, AHIP


The purpose of this guide is to provide resources related to veterans and diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. 

Military personnel are a niche group and often encounter health issues that are different from civilians. These health issues can include physical injuries caused from combat, mental and emotional stress from factors like separation from family or serving in a different part of the world, as well as exposure to environmental contaminations like chemicals, poor water, and infections. While serving, injuries can become life-threatening, cause disabilities, or have a lasting impact on daily life. (National Library of Medicine, 2017) 

Veterans Resources

PubMed Search Strategies

To view the citations related to the suggested search string, click on “Current Search Results”. Search strategies are included to allow the user to set up a PubMed search alert. Users can also cut and paste the search strategy into PubMed and combine with additional search terms. 

Veterans And Military Health

("Veterans"[Mesh]) OR (veteran*[Title/Abstract]) OR ("Military Personnel"[Mesh]) OR (military[Title/Abstract]) OR "Military Health"[Mesh] OR (military health[Title/Abstract])

Current PubMed Veterans and Military Health Search Results

(Note: Results may include preprints. Preprints are not peer reviewed.)

Mental Health Resources for Veterans

Veterans Crisis Line 24/7 confidential, crisis support for veterans and their loved ones.