The terms African American and Black have often been used interchangeably to describe the same racial and ethnic group in the United States. However, it's important to recognize a meaningful distinction between them. Historically, African American refers to individuals who are descendants of Africans brought to the United States as slaves. On the other hand, Black is a broader term that encompasses individuals with a dark complexion, regardless of their specific country of origin, and who share common experiences of racial discrimination and systemic oppression.
In America, many Black people have had their ancestral connections to specific African countries severed due to the legacy of slavery. Therefore, it is generally recommended to use the term "Black" unless an individual or group prefers to be identified as African American or specifies otherwise (McDonald, 2021).
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(((((("Minority Groups"[Mesh]) OR (minority group*[Title/Abstract])) OR ("Ethnic Groups"[Mesh])) OR (ethnic group*[Title/Abstract] OR ethnicity[Title/Abstract] OR nationality[Title/Abstract] OR nationalities[Title/Abstract])) OR ("African Americans"[Mesh])) OR (African American*[Title/Abstract] OR Afro-American*[Title/Abstract] OR Black American*[Title/Abstract]))
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