Indigenous Peoples is a term to encompass populations that are native to a specific region, existing before colonists occupied the land.
Book Review
Weaver, J. (2019). Cherokee Nation: A History of Survival, Self Determination, and Identity. World Literature Today, 93(2), 102–103.
PubMed Search Strategies
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(((((("Minority Groups"[Mesh]) OR (minority group*[Title/Abstract])) OR ("Ethnic Groups"[Mesh])) OR (ethnic group*[Title/Abstract] OR ethnicity[Title/Abstract] OR nationality[Title/Abstract] OR nationalities[Title/Abstract])) OR (("Indigenous Peoples"[Mesh]) OR "Alaskan Natives"[Mesh])) OR (Indigenous People*[Title/Abstract] OR First Nation People*[Title/Abstract] OR First People[Title/Abstract] OR Native People*[Title/Abstract] OR Alaskan Native*[Title/Abstract]))
Current PubMed Native/Indigenous Search Results
(Note: Results may include preprints. Preprints are not peer reviewed.)