Hispanic/Latinx is a comprehensive term that includes individuals from Spanish-speaking countries or with ancestral ties to such nations. This expansive category embraces various identities, and it is essential to respect that some individuals may self-identify as Hispanic/Latinx, while others prefer to be recognized by their specific country of origin, such as those of Colombian heritage. The resources provided in this guide primarily address healthcare, treatment, and the overall well-being of those within the Hispanic/Latinx community, aiming to enhance awareness of the diverse subgroups within this community.
PubMed Search Strategies
To view the citations related to the suggested search string, click on “Current Search Results”. Search strategies are included to allow the user to set up a PubMed search alert. Users can also cut and paste the search strategy into PubMed and combine with additional search terms.
((((((("Minority Groups"[Mesh]) OR (minority group*[Title/Abstract])) OR ("Ethnic Groups"[Mesh])) OR (ethnic group*[Title/Abstract] OR ethnicity[Title/Abstract] OR nationality[Title/Abstract] OR nationalities[Title/Abstract])) OR (("Hispanic Americans"[Mesh]) OR "Mexican Americans"[Mesh])) OR (Hispanic American*[Title/Abstract] OR Spanish American*[Title/Abstract] OR Puerto Rican*[Title/Abstract] OR Latino*[Title/Abstract] OR Cuban American*[Title/Abstract] OR Hispanic*[Title/Abstract] OR Latina*[Title/Abstract])) OR (Mexican American*[Title/Abstract] OR Chicana*[Title/Abstract] OR Chicano*[Title/Abstract]))
Current PubMed Hispanic/Latino Search Results
(Note: Results may include preprints. Preprints are not peer reviewed.)